Trend Watch


Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Sexual dysfunction is generally associated with poor quality of life.

Many postmenopausal women wonder what their sex life will be like once they have completed menopause.Some worry that they will lose their libido or that their partner will no longer be interested in them sexually. However the majority of postmenopausal women experience a satisfying sexual life.

According to women, the top 6 reasons for reduced sex drive are menopause(57%), growing older(54%), vaginal dryness(31%), long term relationship(29%), partner's needs(21%), disease(19%). Whereas according to doctor's opinion, top 3 reasons are vaginal dryness (80%), menopause(53%), growing older(40%).

2/3 of postmenopausal women indicate that sex is an important aspect of their relationship.

67% of women indicate to have sexual well-being changes after menopause.

While women tend to focus on emotional and well-being aspects of their lives, physicians look at the physical past.

66% of women facing sexual well-being problems state that they would enjoy life more if their pre-menopausal sex level persisted.

Both women and physicians have difficulties to discuss sexuality after menopause.

7/10 women would be triggered to talk about sex if their physician would bring up the subject first, while 69% of the doctors state not being reluctant to bring up the subject.

62% of physicians have no confidence in medication to solve sexual well-being problems.

If medication for sexual problems was available,38% of women would be willing to seek for it and 55% of doctors are open for learning more about sexuality related treatment.

All these figures above is base on the survey in European countries by Rik Hor Van Lunsen(MD, PhD) from Netherland.

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