Trend Watch


Monday, October 8, 2007


Lybrel is on sale in USA under the name Anya and its manufacturer, US pharmaceutical giant Wyeth.

Lybrel, the first pill designed to be taken continuously, is likely to appeal to women keen to stop menstruation from intruding into their hectic working lives, as well as the millions whose lives are blighted by Premenstrual Tension. Like the majority of oral contraceptives, Lybrel is a combined pill, containing the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The doses of hormone have been lowered to allow it to be taken without a break.

However, the pill does not work for everyone and some women will experience bleeding. Some clinician for sexual health warn that stopping periods completely could mask infertility problems and unexpected pregnancies,anyway it does not damage fertility.

So far ,it is still not available in Malaysia yet.

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