Trend Watch


Saturday, April 12, 2008


Womens Unspeakable Secret..
The more you keep it a secret, you will never overcome it! Now, confront the problem!
KITSUI, is exclusively developed to provide care and protection for every womens vaginal related problems in complete confidence. Approved by the Ministry of Health Malaysia and formulated from 100% superior natural herbs. The combination of Labisa Pumila, Querus Infectoria and Betel Pepper in each tablet is tested and proven to have synergistic benefits.
From reducing or eliminating menstrual problems to prevention of bacterial and fungal infection which can cause discharge and mild itching. Overcoming the loose and dryness feeling and achieving hormonal balance, skin moisturizing and reduce menopausal related anxiety which helps to recuperate body strength.

Product Ingredient:

Labisia Pumila(Kacip Fatimah)

  • Has been traditionally used by the Asian women for many generations of parturitions in menstruation.

  • Firming and toning of abdominal muscles.

  • Assists women achieve fuller and firmer breasts and tightening of vaginal muscles.

  • Helps reduce painful and problematic menstruation.

Quercus Infectoria(Manjakani)

  • Rich in tannin,tannic acid, antioxidant, vitamins(A&C), calcium,iron,fiber,protein and carbohydrates.

  • Effective in eliminating bacteria,yeast and fungal infections which are the main causes of itching and unpleasant odour.

  • Provides tightening effects.

  • Its antioxidant properties help tone up the vaginal walls and help reverse the loss of elasticity resulting from aging process, hormonal changes, and childbirth.

Betel Pepper

  • The leaves of betel pepper have been used in Asian folk medicine for the prevention of cough,fever,dysentery,diphtheria,fluor albus,sore throat,rheumatism,bad breath, dental sore, itch, ulcer, wounds, and haemorrhoid.
  • Betel pepper has been cultivated in Java, China and India a long time ago for medicinal purpose during which time, no adverse effect or toxicity has ever been reported.

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